Monday, March 7, 2011

Moving Towards Published... and Paid

Well, not a lot to say this week, really. Work on my new WIP continues, if a bit slowly. I’m working through it using the Snowflake Method of outlining, and I am already discovering things about my characters doing it this way. I’m pretty sure I’ve plugged this method before, but if you’re unaware of it, check it out, it’s pretty awesome.

I’ve also submitted a short story to a magazine this week, keeping up with my goal of one submission a week. This is exciting to me, because if accepted, I’ll actually get paid for it. That will be awesome. I’ll keep you all posted.

I’ve also been invited to write and submit a piece to an anthology website called This sight looks pretty cool and I love the concept of a shared world like they are building. I’ve already got a half-formed plot roaming around in my head, so I’ll be working on that soon and submitting it ASAP. Also a paying gig if I get accepted. Go check it out, they’re accepting submissions.

All in all, I’m pretty excited. I feel like I’m making real progress to being a “real” writer, someone that is actually trying to get published, rather than just writing and talking about it. I’m pretty happy with this progress.

I have to confess something with that last sentence. I feel like, because of these things posted above, I have the right to continue with this blog. See, if I weren’t actively working on getting published, or paid in somewhat for my writing, I would be a fraud. Someone that writes, but doesn’t submit is just doing this as a hobby. And don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just not what I want, and if I am going to be talking about being a writer, and my goal of being a professional writer specifically, I need to do more than just make a hobby at it. I need to live it. And after this week, I feel like I am.

Hey, look at that. I guess I did have something to say this week after all.

Anyway, I’ll continue with the submitting, and I’ll see you all tomorrow for Tiny Tales Tuesday.


  1. Good luck with your submissions, Chris. There aren't many things I've found more satisfying than getting paid for my work - it's both addictive and motivating. Hope you hear back soon! :-)

  2. Yay! And good luck. I'm proud of you for the courage that takes. :)

  3. Keep up the good work, Chris. It's only a matter of time. :)
